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ACETEL trains site workers on safety measures, others

Group photograph


The National Open University of Nigeria African Centre of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning, (NOUN’s-ACETEL), a World Bank assisted project has trained site workers on safety measures, use of job devices and others.

The training is in adherence to world Bank best practices which prioritizes the safety and well-being of workers and staff of the university community.

Prof.Chiedu Mafiana (DVC Acad,),representing the VC


The one-day training workshop was organised under the theme: ‘’Provision of Safety measures and job devices for site workers,” held on Friday 8th December,2023 at the headquarters of the University in Abuja.

In his remarks, the Vice- Chancellor of the University,  Professor Olufemi Peters commended ACETEL for the training, said Environmental and social safeguards play a vital role in promoting sustainable development that respects the environment and safeguards the well-being of communities.

Cross section of participants (site workers)


Represented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Prof. Chiedu Mafiana, he said “We can work towards a future where economic progress goes hand in hand with environmental protection and social equity by integrating these safeguards into development planning and decision -making processes.

‘’Implementation of these safeguards (environmental and social safeguards), though crucial in mitigating harm and not without challenges, requires genuine commitment from all stakeholders including project developers, government agencies, local communities and civil society organisations

Prof.Grace Jokthan (Dir. ACETEL) delivering her welcome address


‘’It also demands robust monitoring and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance and address any issues that may arise during project implementation’’, he added.

He further stated that the safeguards are aimed at mitigating potential harm and promoting sustainable and inclusive development.

Earlier in her address, the Centre Director, Prof Grace Jokthan, said the workshop is aimed at sensitising the university community considered at risk as a result of the construction of ACETEL building.

Helen Ntajji (Rep.FRSC)


‘’The workshop, addresses issues such as the rights of workers on the site, obligations of the contractors to workers and the sustenance of the environment procedure in case of infringement of rights of all stakeholders on the project as well grievance redress mechanism for mitigating such risk.”

According to her, the workshop was the first in the series of workshops to be conducted by the Environmental and Social Safeguards office of the Centre.

Stephen Tsado ( E&SSC)


Jokthan further commended the VC and the university management for their support and as well the Directorate of physical planning, works and Development (DPPW&D) for the enabled milestone the centre has attained.

The representative of the federal road safety commission, Route Commander, Helen Ntaji who is also a resource person enlightened the participants/workers on Required FRSC Standards for construction sites which entails appropriate speed limit, adequate road signs, high visibility clothing vest, hats, among others.

R-L : Mr Ayeleson been decorated by Dr. petu as the Environment and safety Manager for the Centre


Environmental and social safeguards consultant, Mr. Stephen Tsado, also took the workers through the route of health, safety and Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GRM) Lecture, which was divided into four modules.

The four modules include; Implementation of Environmental and Safety Management Plan (ESMP) Mitigation measures, Monitoring implementation of ESMP Mitigation measures, implementation of GRM, stakeholder Engagement.

Meanwhile, the highlight of the training workshop was the decoration of Mr. Tony Ayeleson as the Environment and safety Manager for the Centre.

By Debbie Nduba
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