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Prof. Akper


The 25th Inaugural Lecture of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) has been scheduled to take place on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at the university headquarters in Abuja.

The lecture, titled: “Are we the reason? (Christian) Religion in the Nigerian Public Spheres,” will be delivered by Professor of African Studies-Systematic Theology, Faculty of Arts, Godwin I. Akper, who is also the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Technology, Innovation and Research.

The lecture is slated to take place at the Convocation Arena, NOUN headquarters, Abuja at 11.00 a.m, and would be chaired and hosted by Prof. Olufemi Peters, Vice-Chancellor, National Open University of Nigeria.

Meanwhile, the zoom link for the lecture is given thus:

Meeting ID: 925 3173 4298
Pass code: 853463

By Debbie Nduba
Prospective/Returning Students