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Directorate of Academic Planning (DAP)

Welcome to the Directorate of Academic planning (DAP)

Prof. Godwin I. Akper

Director, Academic Planning

Brief History

The Directorate of Academic planning of National Open University of Nigeria was established in year 2010, with professor Femi Peters as the pioneer director. He was succeeded by Professor Stanley Ngoa in 2014, who headed the Directorate until 2016. The current director is Professor Nebath Tanglang who assumed office on the 1st of August 2016.


To be the springboard for enthronement of best international practices for qualitative higher education in National Open University of Nigeria.


To be the repository of statistics and planning, quality assurance and enforcement of compliance with the NUCacademic standards.

Major Functions

  1. To guide and monitor the university’s academic activities in accordance with the statutory goals, mission and vision of the university.
  2. Preparing and revising the Academic Brief of the University
  3. Liaising with the NUC on matters patterning to academic standards and accreditation.
  4. Maintain Quality Assurance in the university.
  5. Ensuring that the academic processes in NOUN are of a national and international standard through the promotion of quality enhancement practices in the academic programming of the university.
  6. Ensuring adequate provision of a conducive teaching, learning and research      environment for staff and students.
  7. Determination of adequate staff strength and requirement
  8. Preparation, computerization and publication of data on students’ admission and enrolment projections.
  9. Supply of Staff and Students data to NUC and other government agencies when   required.
  10. Supply of Staff and Student data for University Annual Budget.
  11. Preparing, providing and updating all necessary statistics for the University Development Plans, including preparation of Staff and Students statistics for enrolment, projections and Academic Briefs.
  12. Carrying out continuous evaluation of the performance of academic programmes, rationalization of courses, de-merger/merger of academic units or departments.
  13. Collecting, collating and providing required data and unit costs for resource planning and budgetary preparations in the University.
  14. Collecting, storing and providing a variety of operational data and basic information for effective University administration and governance and serving as a Reference Facility in this regard to the entire University.
  15. Regular liaison and consultation with Deans, Registrar, Bursar, University Librarian, Admissions Officer, Personnel/ Establishment Officer on information and data on Staff and Students for planning purposes.
  16. Assisting the Vice-Chancellor in all Accreditation matters and also advising Departments and Faculties of programme review and preparation for NUC accreditation visits.
  17. Appraisal and processing of requests for affiliation from other tertiary institutions.
  18. Attendance and participation at the Conference of Directors of Academic Planning of Nigerian Universities (CODAPNU) meetings and other NUC organized Workshop affecting Academic Planning/Quality Assurance.
  19. Regularly update and evaluate data from relievant University unit to analyze the performance of the university 
  20. Sourcing for linkages and collaborations with other Universities/Institutions/Organizations for Human Resource capacity building and knowledge transfer.
  21. The directorate liaises with the National Universities Commission on behalf of the University
  22. Discharges any other duty assigned by the Vice-Chancellor
  23. Production of the University annual report
  24. Provide current awareness services on new accessions through the library bulletin, accessions lists, displays, exhibits.
  25. Provide incentives to staff to carry research and to support the publication of the findings.
  26. Provide outreach and community services.
  27. Provide data backed information on academic operations of the University
  28. Publish University records, statistics, and research reports.
  29. Collect data on trends in University activities such as enrolments, staffing, staff training, graduate output and make such data available for research.
  30. Document and store information on all academic programmes

Units Under the Directorate Of Academic Planning

In order to reposition the Directorate, Senate at its 91st meeting held on Thursday 11th May 2017 approved the reorganization of the Directorate of the Academic Planning to five units to be headed each by senior academics

 The units are:

  1. Academic Standard, Monitoring and Evaluation
  2. Data Management and Statistics
  3. Open Education Resources
  4. Quality Assurance
  5. Strategic Planning

The specific responsibilities of the units are as follows:

Academic Standard, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit


  1. Conduct periodic needs assessment for the establishment of new academic programmes.
  2. Supervise the development of curricula of new academic programmes for the university in compliance with the NUC BMAS.
  3. Responsible for completion and submission of application forms for the establishment of new academic units and programmes, as well as splitting and merger of academic units and programmes in the University.
  4. Ensure compliance with the due processes for the establishment of new units, programmes, departments and faculties in the University.
  5. Conduct mock-accreditation exercises preparatory to NUC accreditation.
  6. Supervise resources verification of academic programmes.
  7. Supervise the accreditation of programmes in the University by the NUC.
  8. Keep up to date records of academic programmes.
  9. Keep up to date accreditation status of all academic programmes in the University.
  10. Ensure that the NUC-BMAS for each discipline is available to all Faculties
  11. Ensure compliance with NUC Basic Minimum Academic Standards (BMAS) of all academic programmes.
  12. Provision and supervision of the completion of Self Study Forms (SSF) by departments and Faculties in readiness for NUC accreditation.
  13. Ensure that only programmes with approved NUC-BMAS are allowed in the University. 
  14. Plan the academic programmes of the university in conformity with its Academic Brief    and Strategic Plan.
  15. Monitor the operations of all approved programmes as contained in the Academic Brief
  16. Expand the academic programmes of the university when and where necessary in compliance with the NUC BMAS.
  17. Liaise with the NUC on academic matters and the relevant Professional regulatory agencies for quality control and accreditation.
  18. Liaise with other universities within and outside the country for the purpose of academic cooperation, academic staff and students exchange programmes
  19. Responsible for the Production and or revision of academic brief, modelling it against the realities and goals of the University.
  20. Responsible for the preparation of Academic Calendar for the University and ensuring its implementation.
  21. Monitor compliance of Departments with the NUC guidelines
  22. Undertake on-the-spot monitoring visits to Faculties reported to be involved in running unapproved programmes.
  23. Undertake monitoring visits to Departments involved in running unapproved programmes
  24. Sensitize the Universities on the effect of running unapproved programmes on students and the society at large.
  25. All other activities that will enhance the delivery of qualitative education in the     University.
  26. Any other assignment that may be given by the Director of Academic Planning.
  27. Ensure that students evaluate courses taught to them.
  28. Ensure that students evaluate course materials provided by the University

Data Management and Statistics

In general terms, the main objectives of the Data Management and Statistics unit are to provide a range of accurate information to the University for Planning and managerial decision-making produces a range of institutional statistics and undertakes data manipulation, analysis and interpretation to convert raw data into useful management information.


  1. Collection, Interpretation and Analysis of data from relevant bodies, for the internal evaluation of the performance status of the University on all NUC, approved funding parameters and guidelines.
  2. Collation and analysis of the staff/students evaluation data
  3. Developing, managing and updating the website of the Directorate
  4. Provision of database information on various aspects of University operations for use by the University as it deems fit; e.g information on University academic/material resources, facilities, etc.
  5. Projection of students’ enrolment figures and corresponding staff strength
  6. Collection, analysis and interpretation of data from relevant Department/Unit and University Annual Statistical trends.
  7. Providing period statistics to Federal Ministry of Education, National Universities Commission, National Manpower Board, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Private Sector Organizations, NGOs and individual researchers on demand
  8. Documenting and Storing information on Academic Programmes of the University
  9. Collection, Analysis and Interpretation of data from relevant University bodies such as the Faculties, Centres, Institutes, Administrative Unit.
  10. Collection and Storage of Statistical publications from other Universities
  11. Developing a sound computerized database on all relevant information about staff and students in the University, in liaison with the Directorate of MIS/DICT and Registry
  12. Collection of relevant data on changing trends in University activities e.g enrolment, staff mix, staff training and turnover, and passing such information for institutional-based research.

Open Education Resource (OER) Unit


The National Open University of Nigeria established an OER unit in August 2014, headed by Dr. Jane-Francis Agbu who holds a Chair of the Open Education Resources, in order to focus on OER-related activities. Dr. Aminu  Kazeem took over from Dr. Agbu in 2016 when the former became the Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences. The unit until now stood on its own and report directly to the Vice-Chancellor before it was recently merged with the Directorate of Academic Planning in May 2017 in a recent restructuring of the Directorate.


  • Stimulate OER awareness in NOUN and beyond
  • Establish an open license framework in NOUN
  • Contribute to the global OER repository of resources
  • Offer high-quality Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to the global community
  • Stimulate research in OER
  • Collaborate with institutions, local and international organization in OER-related activities

Summary of activities in 2015

Collaboration with UNESCO – NOUN-OER project enjoys the strong support of UNESCO through its contact person, Mr. Abel Caine – UNESCO Programme Specialist for Open Educational Resources (OER) at the Headquarters in Paris, France. He is responsible for globally promoting OERs with Governments, educational, research institutions, teachers and learners. He provides funding and technical guidance.

Funding from EU/Hewlett Foundation and UNESCO – With the financial assistance of the European Commission and the Hewlett Foundation, UNESCO is assisting the NOUN-OER project

Collaboration with UNESCO/ICDE/COL Chairs in OER – The following OER Chairs are working in close collaboration with NOUN-OER project

  • Prof Fred Mulder – UNESCO Chair in Open Educational Resources (OER) 
  • Prof Robert Schuwer, professor of OER at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences,
  • Prof Wayne Mackintosh, UNESCO/ICDE/COL Chair in OER.

Sensitization of NOUN senior staff on OER/MOOCs: 3rd – 6th February 2015: With co-funding from UNESCO, the NOUN-OER unit held its 2nd sensitization workshop for senior staff (including centre directors, senior academic and non-teaching staff). A total of 350 participants benefited from this training. The objective includes: stimulation of OERs awareness and benefits in NOUN, train course writers on skills and processes of OERization, etc. The following are web links reporting this workshop.

NOUN joined the Global OER Graduate Network (GO-GN) program – The Global OER-Graduate Network (GO-GN) is a network of research group in the field of Open Educational Resources (OER).  This is a non-profit academic initiative of Prof. Fred Mulder, a UNESCO Chair in OER, of the Open University, Netherlands.  The fundamental idea is to encourage collaboration among researchers in the field of OER.  Also, to provide for a platform for coherent triple joint supervision of PhD students in this filed.  NOUN currently has PhD students under this programme.

NOUN-OER story featured on February Edition of EU year for development (February, 2015) – 2015 is a special year for development by EU. During the year EUstories of people and projects in partner countries.  The month of February was dedicated to innovations in higher education, NOUN OER project was featured during this month. Link to this story is:

Presentation of NOUN-OER project at the Open Education Global Conference, Banff, Canada. 20th – 24th April 2015– The VC, a member of OER committee and Dr Agbu attended this meeting. NOUN OER project was specifically invited for the UNESCOOER Chairs meeting which took place on Monday 20th April 2015 within the framework of the Open Education Global Conference. The following were VC’s activities during the Conference

The Vice-Chancellor had useful discussions with the following individuals:

  • Prof Rory McGreal, UNESCO, COL & ICDE Chair in OER – on possible collaboration with NOUN OER project
  • Prof Wayne Mackintosh, Director, OER Foundation, UNESCO, COL & ICDE Chair in OER from Open University of New Zealand -on possible collaboration with NOUN OER project
  • Prof AnsharKanwa, Director, COL (on sustained collaboration with NOUN activities)
  • Prof. Fred Mulder, UNESCO OER Chair, Open University, the Netherlands and Coordinator, GO-GN – on sustained collaboration with NOUN OER project.
  • Mr. Abel Caine, OER specialist, UNESCO, Paris – on way forward on NOUN OER project
  • 30 minutes Interview with Irwin Devries on Open Education in Nigerian, past, present and future

Presentation of NOUN-OER project at 12th ACDE-TCC Contact person’s meeting at Potchefstroom, South Africa: 26th June 2015 –DrAgbu made presentation on NOUN-OER project during ACDE-TCC meeting, in Potchefstroom South Africa. The need for other ACDE member institution to take cue from NOUN-OER project was stressed.

NOUN joined OER: On Friday, 19th June 2015, an official statement was placed online for the global community by Prof. Wayne Mackintosh announcing that NOUN has joined the OER community. The OER Uuit is an initiative on Prof Wayne Mackintosh, ICDE/COL/UNESCO Chair in OER. Based on their research, the top three reasons why organizations join the OER network are:

  • to participate in an international network of “like-minded” institutions
  • to participate in the philanthropic mission of widening access to more affordable education, especially for learners excluded from the formal higher education sector
  • to retain a competitive advantage as open education approaches become more mainstream

Technical training workshop on OER 26th – 30th July 2015: With sponsorship from UNESCO, Fred de Vriestrained selected course writers on the process of conversion of OER-materials in multiple formats (EPUB, ODT, etc); dealing with the steps in this process includes the instructional design and technical conversions.

Vice Chancellor as memberOERu Council of Chief Executives –NOUN Vice-Chancellor is now a member of OERu Council of Chief Executives. This initiative was established in 2013 and functions as an assembly of Chief Executives of member Institutions of OERu. This group meets annually for consultation and deliberation on strategic plan for OERu. The next meeting was held in October 2015.

NOUN-OER Project: some important links

  1. Portal:
  2. YouTubeChannel:
  3. Flickr:
  4. Slideshare –

Strategic Planning Unit

National Open University of Nigeria is a productive conglomeration of very strong faculties, departments, directorates and centres, but it also is a whole greater sum of these components. It is a comprehensive University that combines the finest attributes of a centre of academic excellence with a deep commitment to public service. It suggests that the university can take even greater advantage of its distributed strengths that in its variegated components. The coordination of the relationship between the units to the central administration of the university is, thus, very cardinal. The overarching objective of the strategic planning unit is captured in two key concepts: focus and connectivity.


  1. Identify strategic  initiatives within  context of situation  analysis 
  2. Compile Corporate Strategic Plan and Action Plan of the University.
  3. Monitor the implementation of the Corporate Plan, Strategic Plan and Action Plan regularly.
  4. Identify operational strategic priorities.
  5. Develops tactical plan and goals to achieve strategic priorities and targets. 
  6. Conduct Action Plan progress review.
  7. Prepare periodic Performance Report.
  8. Identify key institutional performance  indicators 
  9. Compilation and analysis of data for the Organizational Results Framework (ORF).
  10. Assist Deans of faculties and head of department to identify academic priorities and develop tactical plan, as well goals to achieve the priorities.
  11. Identify challenges and operational values of the University.
  12. Conducts situation  analysis (PEEST and  SWOT) 

Quality Assurance Unit

The QA Unit of the National Open University of Nigeria was established in August 2014 headed then by Dr. Christy Ofulue, in line with the requirements of the national regulatory body for higher education. Its establishment is a reflection of the University’s commitment to promoting institutional excellence through quality enhancement of its educational provisions in order to meet learners and stakeholders expectations and to achieve a competitive advantage in the higher education sector. The unit then was standing on it owns but report directly to the Vice-Chancellor. In the year 2016, Dr. Fidel Okopi took over from Dr.Ofulue as the head of the unit until the recent restructuring when the unit in May 2017 was merged with the Directorate of the Academic Planning for the streamlining of activities of the Directorate.

The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)’s commitment to quality is reflected in its vision and mission statements:

 Institutional vision

To be regarded as the foremost University providing highly accessible and enhanced quality education anchored by social justice, equity, equality and national cohesion through a comprehensive reach that transcends all barriers.

Institutional mission

To provide functional, cost-effective, flexible learning which adds lifelong value to quality education for all who seek knowledge


The primary focus of the Unit is to strengthen the quality of institutional practices and service delivery, and to promote a culture of quality through an internal mechanism of continuous self –improvement.  The Unit main objective is to embed a robust quality management system through the development of policies, quality assurance system, guidelines and standards for monitoring, maintaining and improving institutional practices and performance.

  1. Development and implementation of a quality assurance system for continuous monitoring and evaluation for quality enhancement of the institution’s service delivery.
  2. Development, documentation, and implementation of quality assurance processes and   procedures in line with international good practices;
  3. Development of quality standards set for the institution’s programmes, courses, operations and delivery services measured against international benchmarks for Open and Distance Learning;
  4. Effective monitoring and evaluation of institutional practices through a quality    management system to ensure that they are being followed for consistency,       standardisation, and maintenance of quality standards across its constituents;
  5. Deploying appropriate and adequate ICT, infrastructure, human and financial resources in line with set standards for efficient institutional operations;
  6. Promoting effective collaborations and partnerships that will enhance internationalisation of NOUN and its products (programmes and graduates).
  7. Promoting a culture of research and innovation in ODL and eLearning approaches
  8. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the quality assurance system put in place to ensure its effectiveness in achieving the institution’s intended quality outcomes in line with global good practices


  1. Formulate quality assurance policy guidelines for the University,
  2. Develop instruments for monitoring institutional operations of the University;
  3. Conduct periodic internal reviews;
  4. Build capacity for quality assurance within the University;
  5. Organise regular sensitisation workshop for all staff to promote an understanding of quality assurance processes;
  6. Monitor, guide and provide advice on QA activities to all sections of the University.


  • In the year 2014, the Unit developed a Quality Assurance Policy and Framework  that has been approved by the University Senate
  • With the approval of the University Management, the Unit has constituted the University Quality Assurance Committee QA Committee with its members from various Faculties, Directorates, Units and QA desk officers in all study centres through which the Unit execute its programmes
  • The Unit was commissioned on the 28th September 2015. The Unit has developed its web on the University site(, information brochure and has produced series of News bulletins to facilitate advocacy and information dissemination on QA related matters within the institution.
  • In fulfilling its mandate to institutionalise QA in NOUN, the QA Unit in April 2017 organised a series of one-day sensitisation workshops in conjunction with Staff Training and Development to create awareness among staff and build capacity in QA.
  • Two sensitisation workshops for Deans and Directors and for top level management of the University in Jan. and May 2015. The workshops were aimed at sensitizing participants on the importance of QA and their roles in the process of assuring the quality of NOUN’s service delivery. The keynote speaker at the first workshop, was Prof.Chiedu F. Mafiana, Deputy Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission (NUC), with a total of one hundred and thirteen (113) participants.
  • Five (5) workshops were organised. Among them were three workshops in three (3) zones for study centre staff, one (1) workshop in Lagos for academic and support staff. And one (1) for administrative staff in the Headquarters. A total of 273 staff participated in the workshops. The workshops acquainted staff with the QA project and their roles and responsibilities in enhancing the quality of institutional practices in NOUN and to coordinate QA related activities in Faculties, Directorates, Support units and Study Centres. The sensitisation workshop series was commended by Dr.Aboidun N. Saliu, Director of Quality Assurance Directorate of the National Universities Commission (NUC) as a laudable initiative towards helping to build strong internal QA mechanisms and facilitate benchmarking of institutional provisions against best practices.


Achievements of the Directorate

The achievements of the directorate so far includes the following

University Programme Accreditation

The Directorate coordinated and supervised presentation of thirty-one (31) programmes for accreditation by the National University Commission (NUC) in March 2012, in which we got full accreditation in 4 programmes, interim accreditation in 26 programmes and Denial for 1 programme. And the Directorate in November 2017 also coordinated and supervised presentation of nine (9) programmes for accreditation by the National University Commission (NUC) which we got full accreditation in 8 programmes, interim accreditation in 1 programmes and no Denial

University Strategic Plan Document

The Directorate of Academic Planning coordinated the writing and development of the Strategic Plan for the University for the years 2013-2017.

Committee of Directors of Academic Planning of Nigerian Universities(CODAPNU) 

The Directorate facilitated and conducted the hosting of the Conference/Annual General Meeting of the Committee of Directors of Academic Planning of Nigerian Universities (CODAPNU) in October 2012 at Lagos.

University System Annual Review Meeting (USARM)

The Directorate coordinated the University’s preparation for the University System Annual Review Meeting (USARM) in 2012

Coordinated the collation of staff/students data for the National Universities Commission for national planning purpose using in 2017.

Organization of Workshop for staff on how to access TETFUND Intervention Funds on academic matters in 2017.

Organization of Workshop for technical on conversion of course materials to OER formats in April 2018.

Major Achievements Of DAP

  1. Generated staff and students data for effective planning
  2.  Accreditation of programmes in 2012, 2015 and 2017
  3.  Production of Academic Brief in 2014
  4. Rationalization and Regularization of Unapproved programs from 49 to 15
  5. Conducted workshop for Deans, Deputy Deans and Heads of Departments of NOUN      on Curriculum Design in 2017
  6. Conducted Mock Accreditation in 2017
  7. Restructured DAP and created 5 Units viz:
  • Academic Standard, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
  • Data Management and Statistics Unit
  • Open Education Resource (OER) Unit
  • Strategic Planning Unit
  • Quality Assurance Unit

Work-In-Progress/Upcoming Activities

  1. NUC Accreditation for 7 programmes namely: B. Agriculture , B.Sc Economics, B.Sc Political Science, B.Sc Mass Communication, B.Sc Biology, B.Sc Chemistry and B.Sc Physics.
  2. Preparation of the University 5 year Strategic plan
  3. Review of Academic Brief
  4. Preparation of Programmes for Resource Verification
  5. Induction Workshop for the reconstituted University Quality Assurance Committee

List Of Accredited Programmes In Noun

1 Master in Business Administration (MBA) Full  
2 MPA Public Administration Full  
1 B.Sc Cooperative Management Full  
2 B.Sc. Entrepreneurship  and Business Management Full  
3 B.Sc Accounting   Resources Verified                                                                              
4 B.Sc Banking and Finance   Resources Verified
5 B.Sc Business Administration   Resources Verified
6 B.Sc Marketing   Resources Verified
7 B.Sc Public Administration   Resources Verified
1 B.Sc Agricultural Extension and Management Full  
2 B.Sc Hotel and Catering Management Interim  
1 B.A Christian Theology Full  
2 B.A English Full  
3 B.A French and International Relations Full  
4 B.A Islamic Studies Full  
1 BNSc. Nursing Science Full  
2 B.Sc Public Health Science Full  
3 B.Sc Environmental Science   Resources Verified
1 B.Sc (Ed)  Agricultural Education Full  
2 B.Sc (Ed)  Biology Education Full  
3 B.Sc (Ed)  Business Education Full  
4 B.Sc (Ed)  Chemistry Education Full  
5 B.Sc (Ed)  Computer Science Full  
6 B.Sc (Ed)  Early Childhood Education Full  
7 B.Sc (Ed)  English Education Full  
8 B.Sc (Ed)  French Education Full  
9 B.Sc (Ed)  Integrated Science Full  
10 B.Sc (Ed)  Mathematics Education Full  
11 B.Sc (Ed)  Physics Education Full  
12 B.Sc (Ed)  Primary Education Full  
1 Law Interim  
1 B.Sc Communication Technology Full  
2 B.Sc Computer Science Full  
3 B.Sc Environmental Science and Resource Management Full  
4 B.Sc Mathematics Full  
5 B.Sc Mathematics/Computer Science Full  
6 B.Sc Biology   Resources Verified
7 B.Sc Physics   Resources Verified
8 B.Sc Chemistry   Resources Verified
1 B.Sc Criminology and Security Studies Full  
2 B.Sc Peace Studies and conflict resolution  Full  
3 B.Sc Tourism Studies Full  
4 B.Sc Political Science   Resources Verified
Prospective/Returning Students