Directorate of Information & Communications Technology (DICT)
Director’s Welcome Address
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Directorate of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) website which serves as an online information resource environment for the Directorate. It is therefore, our desire that DICT website shall continue to serve as a platform to disseminate information on its various activities. Our commitment to our mission statement shall be realised through the following:
- Providing a wider access to education generally through the use of information and Communications Technology by deploying a Wide Area Network (WAN) to NOUN Students at their respective study centres;
- Maintaining Local Area Network and Internet Facilities in all the Local Governments in Nigeria to enhance students’ direct access to the support services provided by NOUN;
- Ensure the running of Messaging & Mail services at all time;
- Development of appropriate applications for the management of various NOUN operations;
- Maintenance of a Central Database System for Students’ registration & Evaluation, Human Resources and Finance System of the University;
- Providing Network Support Services to the various units of the university.
Dr. Frank B. Osang
Ag. Director, DICT
About DICT
The Directorate of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) is structured along specific functional roles as assigned by the University.
To this end, the DICT engage skill sets in various fields such as Computer Science, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Engineering and Knowledge Management to adequately provide the desired platforms and support in both software and hardware infrastructure, network connectivity that will enhance electronic and computer-mediated learning environment of the University. Thus, DICT is responsible for all computing, multimedia learning materials development, website development and management, specific database administration, specific system development, networking, telecommunication services and other associated components required to aid open and distance teaching and learning.
DICT at a Glance
- Networking and Telecommunication Unit
- Website and Application Development Unit
- Hardware and Multimedia Unit
- ID-Card Unit
- End-User Support and Training Unit.
Services and Activities
Listed below are some of the core functions of DICT:
- Network design, installation and deployment
- Provision of technical support for telecommunication facilities
- Provision of routine maintenance for end-users in the University community
- Certification of hardware acquired by the University to ensure adherence to specifications and standards by vendors
- Production and Issuance ID-card to Staff
- Production and distribution of course materials on CD to Study Centres
- Provision of technical support to study centres during University examinations
- Provision of Web based application for University e-exams
- Development and Maintenance of the University Website
- Provision of technical support to faculties on ICT related issues
- Technical training to end-user on various applications
Broadly DICT is segmented into the following units in the headquarters: Networking and Telecommunication Unit, Website and Application Development Unit, Hardware Unit, ID-Card and CD Production Unit, and End-User Support and Training Unit. The blue print of the University stipulates that there must be at least one ICT staff in a study centre. The staff list herein are those stationed in the headquarters.
DICT has achieved various milestones for the University. The most recent is the successful development and deployment of e-Exams platform for the University. Others are:
- Installation of IP phones for all senior staff in the headquarters (HQ)
- Deployment of LAN for HQ
- Development and deployment of new website for the University.
- Development of Websites for Directorate and Faculties.
- Development of Website for Journals.
- Creation of Email Domain and Emails for all Students.