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Butswat in Kaduna
Butswat in Kaduna


The Vice-Chancellor of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Prof. Olufemi Peters, has stated that sporting events have unquantifiable advantages as they keep pupils healthy and fit.

Peters said this during the NOUN Staff Schools’ 6th Annual Inter-House Sports Competition held in Kaduna.

Represented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Administration, Prof. Isaac Butswat, the VC explained that sport encourages camaraderie by building friendships, and serves as an avenue through which talents were hunted. people.

“The sporting competition makes for the avoidance of vices like alcohol, smoking and a host of other vices.

“Ultimately, it makes pupils alert, more attentive and brilliant thereby re-strengthening the bonds between members of the house and makes for general socialisation and leadership,” said the VC.

He congratulated the Centre for Human Resource Development (CHRD) director and other stakeholders, pledging his continuous support and that of his management team to the centre.

Peters particularly thanked the NOUN Staff School in creating an enabling environment for teaching, learning and any extra-curricular activities that will enrich the learning experience of the pupils.

In his welcome address, the CHRD director, Dr. Aminu Umar, appreciated the management of the university for the endless supports to the centre, saying that the event will serve as an avenue through which young talents are harnessed and produced in various competing sports.

He urged the Kaduna State Government to patronise and make effective and efficient use of the university sporting facilities.

Eminent personalities from government ministries, departments and parastatals as well as non-governmental organisations graced the event.

The event witnessed activities from both track and field events with Blue House becoming the overall winner, beating the defending champion, the Yellow House, who came second, while Red and Green Houses came third and fourth, respectively.

There were also invitational races competed by neighbouring schools.

Highlights of the events also were the presentation of gifts to the invited guests and award of trophies to the competing houses.

By Inuwa Hamza Yunusa
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