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A Snippet of the ACETEL On-going Virtual exams

A Snippet of the ACETEL On-going Virtual exams

The 2021/2022_1 & 2 examination of the World Bank-assisted African Centre of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning (ACETEL), has commenced on Monday, 28th November, 2022 across five different countries.

The 2nd examination for the 2021/2022 academic session will be held online through METTL Proctoring in Ghana, Uganda, Gambia, South Korea, and Nigeria, according to the ACETEL director, Prof. Grace Jokthan.

Jokthan also encouraged the students to comply with the examination rules and regulations, with a view to achieving a seamless exam exercise.

“We wish our students a pleasant examination in their various locations,’’ she added.

Meanwhile, the 2021/2022 _1 & 2 semester examination will end on Saturday, 10th December, 2022.

By Debbie Nduba
Prospective/Returning Students