The Director, Enugu Study Centre, National Open University of Nigeria(NOUN), Prof. Charity Akuadi Okonkwo, has said that the institution takes pride for students who are hard-working towards their studies for positive outcomes.
Such students, she said, would be capable of defending their certificates anywhere.
Okonkwo stated this on Thursday, May 3, 2024, while briefing new and the returning students in preparation for the 2024_1 e- exam and pen-on-paper (PoP) examination at the centre in Enugu State.
While charging students to be good ambassadors of NOUN, the director also implored them to start preparing for their examination thoroughly for those who have not started studying their course materials.
She said that the university management holds examinations at high premium and frowns at any form of malpractice, adding that offenders would not escape from facing the wrath of law concerning exams.
The director advised them to carefully and meticulously read the exams rules stipulated at the back of the exam booklet for them to familiarise with it for effective compliance.
Okonkwo underscored the importance of punctuality and promptness to the exam, noting that no student for what reason would be allowed into the exam hall even one minute after commencement of the paper.
“Students are expected to be sited down into the exam hall by 7:30am for 8:00am exam, while for 11:30am exam, students are required to be in exam hall by 11:00am and finally for 2:30pm exam, they are oblige to be into the exam hall by 2:00pm,” Okonkwo said.
The director, who is a Professor of Educational Measurement and Evaluation, defined examination as the act of determining a learner’s mastering level of task, skill and aptitudes, saying that the stipulated rules and standards of examination cannot be compromised.
She added that screening of students for proper registration of course and examination are not negotiable, advising them to meet their faculty desk officers in case of indiscriminate registration of course and examination.
Okonkwo said that the Tutor Marked Assessment (TMA) prepares students for the final examination and they are expected to study their course materials before attempting TMA, noting that to pass a course, students must take both the TMA and examination as any default would translate into incomplete results.
Students took turns to ask questions on grey areas, while the centre management provided corresponding answers.